I can do because I Can!
I can because I Want To!
I want because you said I Couldn't
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you Going.
Slow progress is better than no progress.
70% of people that start a fitness plan QUIT.
Except you. Not this time.
This morning, Let go of everything you didn't do right, The negative things people have said and focus on all you are becoming.
Food is the most abused anxiety drug.
Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.
If it doesn't challenge you It sure as hell won't Change you.
The only bad workout is the one that didn't Happen.
Fall in love with Taking care of yourself.
Strong is a choice if your mind believes it, Your body will follow.
Strength doesn't come from what you can do.
It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.
Every workout matters skipping gym should not even be an option. If you want results, consistency is key.
Don't quit you're already in pain.
You're already Hurt.
Get a reward from it.
The pain you feel today, will be the strength you feel tomorrow.
When you lose excuses, You find Results.
If it doesn't challenge you It doesn't change you.
Ask, Yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
Growing stronger and feeling Awesome is my main Motivation.
Don't dig your Grave with your Own Knife and Fork.
Nobody is too busy, It's just a matter of priority.
Today I will love myself enough to Exercises.
Your body can stand almost anything.
It's your mind that you have to convince.
The difference between Who you are and Who you want to be is What you do.
Work hard in silence.
Let your success be your Noise.
Someone busier than you is working out right now.
You said You've tried everything. Have you tried not giving up?
DO something today that you will be proud of tomorrow.
It's a slow process. But quitting won't speed up.